Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Church Camp - Grades 2-5 - June 2-6 --- Online Form --- Online Payment
Day Camp - Grades K-1 - June 7 --- Online Form --- Online Payment for 1 Child and 1 Guest --- Online Payment for 1 Child and 2 Guests
Day Camp - Grades K-1 - June 7 --- Online Form --- Online Payment for 1 Child and 1 Guest --- Online Payment for 1 Child and 2 Guests
Children’s Ministry Parents -
Children’s Ministry is available during both the 9 and 10:30 services on Sundays.
Here are the links you need to lead your child in World Changers if you are unable to attend in-person.
Click on the links below to view the video lesson and to download the take home/activity guide papers for each age group.
Nursery - Activity Page - Take Home Parents
Preschool - Video - Take Home Parents
Elementary - Video - Take Home K-1 - Take Home 2-3 - Take Home Parents
Preteen - Video - Take Home 4-5 - Take Home Parents
Children’s Ministry is available during both the 9 and 10:30 services on Sundays.
Here are the links you need to lead your child in World Changers if you are unable to attend in-person.
Click on the links below to view the video lesson and to download the take home/activity guide papers for each age group.
Nursery - Activity Page - Take Home Parents
Preschool - Video - Take Home Parents
Elementary - Video - Take Home K-1 - Take Home 2-3 - Take Home Parents
Preteen - Video - Take Home 4-5 - Take Home Parents

Sunday Mornings
We offer children's programming for children birth to grade 5 during both the 9 and 10:30 services. All children will check-in at the desk in the lobby. Once they have their name tag and parents have a tag with a matching number, children can go to their room.
Nursery is for brith to 18 months. Volunteers care for your child as well as doing short activities to set a foundation to build on in coming years. Be sure to bring a diaper bag with any items needed for your child during service.
The Toddler room is for 18 months to age 3. The Preschool room is for ages 3-5. Both rooms have a large group lesson, small group activities, worship and snacks.
The Elementary room is for grades K-5. They begin in the game room where snacks and games are available until the service starts. They have worship, communion, offering, large group, and small group.
All volunteers are background checked and vetted before they are allowed to serve with children.
Children and parents have tags with matching numbers to ensure children are being picked up by the correct person. This number also provides a way for us to let you know if your child needs you during the service.
We offer children's programming for children birth to grade 5 during both the 9 and 10:30 services. All children will check-in at the desk in the lobby. Once they have their name tag and parents have a tag with a matching number, children can go to their room.
Nursery is for brith to 18 months. Volunteers care for your child as well as doing short activities to set a foundation to build on in coming years. Be sure to bring a diaper bag with any items needed for your child during service.
The Toddler room is for 18 months to age 3. The Preschool room is for ages 3-5. Both rooms have a large group lesson, small group activities, worship and snacks.
The Elementary room is for grades K-5. They begin in the game room where snacks and games are available until the service starts. They have worship, communion, offering, large group, and small group.
All volunteers are background checked and vetted before they are allowed to serve with children.
Children and parents have tags with matching numbers to ensure children are being picked up by the correct person. This number also provides a way for us to let you know if your child needs you during the service.